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Sailing Stories

Learn about our students their Sailing Stories! First hand experience aboard our courses. Live vicariously or be inspired by the journey our customers have taken to get here.

Sailing Story: JT Quinn

It’s common for many sailing stories to start in childhood— but that’s not when JT Quinn’s love of sailing was born.  “Most people say they grew up on the water,” he explained. “But I am a Colorado mountain boy so sailing wasn’t something I was around until college years.” He first learned about sailing during…

Sailing Story: Captain Genevieve Evans

Genevieve was born and raised in Montana and spent many summers on Flathead Lake. “When I was 16, the neighbor came by and asked me if I wanted to go sailing on his Hobbie cat. Before I knew it, we were flying across the top of the water without a sound. It was an overwhelming…

3 Friends become Sailors at Sea

Captain’s Log: On Sunday Paul, Tim, and Al boarded Speculation at Crown Bay Marina around 5 pm. All 3 students were old friends and had the goal of becoming proficient with the catamaran to take their families out on a bareboat charter. Solo sail handling & maneuvering were chief objectives. We focused on the electronic…

Sailing Story: Mark and Nick

Nick moves to St Thomas and Mark becomes an ASA Instructor. On Sunday Mark and Nick came aboard around 5 pm. We started off with a couple painkillers and a light appetizer. We had a nice introduction, discussed sailing goals, discussed locations, and sailing experience. Mark is long time student and wanted to earn Sailing…

Cruising Couple Lucas and Ashley take the helm as Captains

Captain’s log: On Sunday Lucas and Ashely came aboard around 5 pm. We started off with a couple painkillers and a light appetizer. We had a nice introduction, discussed sailing goals, discussed locations, and sailing experience. Lucas and Ashley have been on several sailing cruises in the Virgin Islands and Belize with a Captain and…